Dec.9: Using appropriate technology, write a program in C++ to
build a concordance (aka Key Word In Context) to a document the
size of the Bible. Zip up a folder with your source files and makefile
and email it to me before class; turn in a paper document describing your
design decisions.
<Dec.1: (Before you start coding) Turn in corrected Data
Structures Design. Hint: The properly commented ".h" files for your finished
program should probably have everything I want to see here.
Nov.18: [40%] Turn in for the concordance program two
copies of your complete data structures design (aka Class Diagrams)
including pre-/post-conditions and task statements for the public methods.
Late submission will be penalized 10% of the total (25% of this part).
Conformance of the code to this design will be 30% of the total grade,
so I will keep one copy to compare it to.
Nov.13: p.173, #4.21; alternatively, rewrite the whole AVL algorithm without templates. Show that your algorithm works.
Nov.11: (10 points extra credit) Turn in a one-page critique of the Wal-Mart software design methodology as described in their presentation Nov.6.
Nov.11: p.171, #4.5, 4.7, 4.11, 4.14. Do it right.
Oct.9: p.116, #3.2, 3.17, (optional) 3.4
A simple list node type we can use for both singly and doubly linked lists, with a function to display either kind:
struct Node {int datum; Node * link; Node * prev;};A function to swap the nodes after the parameter, in a singly-linked list:
typedef Node * List;// Pre: lnk is valid Node, or else NULL
// Post: returns new Node linked to lnk
List NewN(int val, List lnk) { // create new single-linked node
List here = new Node;
here->datum = val;
here->link = lnk;
return here;}// Pre: lnk and bak valid Nodes, or else NULL
// Post: returns new Node double-linked to both lnk and bak (if not NULL)
List New2(int val, List lnk, List bak) { // create new double-linked node
List here = new Node; // note: this can and will insert in middle
here->datum = val;
here->link = lnk;
here->prev = bak;
if (bak != NULL) bak->link = here;
if (lnk != NULL) lnk->prev = here;
return here;}void Show(List list) {
while (list != NULL) {cout << " " << list->datum; list = list->link;}
cout << endl;}
// Pre: here is valid List, or else NULLA function to swap the parameter node with its successor, in a doubly-linked list:
// Post: still a valid list, but with elements swapped
void SwapAfter(List here) {
List fust, scnd;
if (here == NULL) return;
fust = here->link;
if (fust == NULL) return;
scnd = fust->link;
if (scnd == NULL) return;
here->link = scnd;
fust->link = scnd->link;
scnd->link = fust;}
// Pre: here is valid (double-linked) List, or else NULLA non-recursive function to reverse the nodes in a list, using constant extra space:
// Post: still a valid list, but with elements swapped
void Swap2(List here) { // doesn't do first in list
List succ, prio;
if (here == NULL) return;
succ = here->link;
if (succ == NULL) return;
prio = here->prev;
if (prio == NULL) return;
if (succ->link != NULL) succ->link->prev = here;
here->prev = succ;
succ->prev = prio;
here->link = succ->link;
prio->link = succ;
succ->link = here;}
// Pre: here is valid List, or else NULLA simple test procedure:
// Post: returns the same list (former tail) with elements reversed
List Reverse(List here) {
List temp, head = NULL;
while (here != NULL) {
temp = here->link;
here->link = head;
head = here;
here = temp;}
return head;}
int main() {
List dub, tmp, sing = NewN(1,NewN(2,NewN(3,NewN(4,NewN(5,NULL)))));
cout << "sing="; Show(sing);
SwapAfter(sing->link); // swaps 3/4
cout << "swapped="; Show(sing);
cout << "rev'd="; Show(Reverse(sing)); // leaves them undeleted
dub = New2(11, New2(55, NULL, NULL), NULL);
tmp = New2(22, New2(33, New2(44, dub->link, dub), dub), dub);
// note insertion at any point in list
cout << "doubly="; Show(dub);
Swap2(tmp); // tmp still points to 22, swap it with 33
cout << "swapped="; Show(dub);}
Sep.30: p.63, #2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.23, 2.24
Sep.23: (Part A) p.38, #1.4
B. Write and run a C++ program with the following properties; turn in a listing with evidence that you succeeded:
a. Read from the console three lines of text (string) input, first, second, and third;For example, with these three lines:
b. Concatenate the second and third lines into a single string, and determine if the first line contains this composite;
c. If the two strings are not identical, repeat step (b), but with the third and second lines concatenated in the reverse order.
d. Print out the length of the first string, and the offset for each step (b) and if applicable, (c). Print -1 whenever the string is not there.
Sample xyzabcxyz lineyou would print out:
'Sample xyzabcxyz line' is length 21, abc+xyz is at offset 10, and xyz+abc is at 7For
Double dadayou would print out:
'Double dada' is length 11, da+da is at offset 7and for
Nothingnessyou would print out:
'Nothingness' is length 11, x+z is at offset -1Note that reading a whole line from the console (including spaces) requires using getline() (see Schildt p.551).
Sep.16: Write and run a C++ program with the following properties; turn in a listing with evidence that you succeeded:
a. Declare a local array of 35 integers, and fill it with squares of the numbers from 1 to 35 in reverse order.Note that success in part (c) depends on how you do part (a) and (b). My solutions
b. Declare a pointer to another, dynamic array of 35 integers, and allocate space for it.
c. Copy the first array into the second using a single assignment statement.
d. Write a subroutine that takes a reference to an integer, and if it's odd, replaces it with its negative.
e. Call this subroutine repeatedly, passing it every third element of the first array.
f. Call this same subroutine passing it every fifth element of the second (dynamic) array.
g. Print out a numbered list of the resulting array values in three columns (line number, 1st array, 2nd array).
h. Properly dispose the dynamic array.
Sept.2: Write and run a C++ program that repetitively reads a
number and outputs its square; turn in a listing with evidence that you
succeeded in Linux.
Rev. 2003 November 21