Complete Blog Index

See also Selections (Log Files listed below) (2014-2018 index) (2010-2013 index) (2003-2009 index)
  Topics Computing  Religious  Economic  Science  Political/Social  Arts&Lit  Domestic/Other

2024 May 15 -- Another Non-Christian Culture  Like Japanese and Australian fiction, without Golden Rule ethics
2024 May 8 -- Ethics in a Vacuum  A new focus on ethics, as it dribbles away out of the American economy

2024 April 29 -- Times, They Is A-Changing The changes look big, but they're not
2024 April 26 -- Library Woes (Again) Or maybe just "Cultural Ethics, Part 4"
2024 April 13 -- They Will Be Like Them Bowing down to the silicon (stone) idols
2024 April 12 -- Cultural Ethics, Part 3 My experience gives me insight into how women think different
2024 April 11 -- Cultural Ethics, Part 2 It happens in books too
2024 April 9 -- Cultural Ethics The movies follow the cultural values of their host
2024 April 8 -- Alpha Fooey  The American (and Britt) church is still stacked against Thinkers
2024 April 5 -- Arguing Against Atheists Don't bother, they cannot follow the data to its conclusion
2024 April 1 -- Biblical Gender Roles, Part 2 There is no middle ground
2024 March 29 -- Biblical Gender Roles Let's not nullify God's Word by our human traditions
2024 March 14 -- Golden Rule Ethics You cannot live it apart from God
2024 March 11 -- Daylight Losing Time The best alarm clock I ever had was a phone
2024 February 28 -- Knowing the Heart of God Not in my Bible
2024 February 19 -- Fantasy Masking as Mystery His physics wouldn't qualify it as Sci-Fi
2024 February 12 -- Why I Didn't Go The book was written to guys assumed to be Feelers
2024 February 7 -- "You Should Go" And some reasons why I should stay home
2024 February 5 -- Eye of the Needle Better than average, but not by much
2024 January 29 -- Ride the High Iron You can't escape who you are
2024 January 27 -- Privacy As Control A connection I had not previously considered
2024 January 20 -- Been There, Done That It's not as bad the second time around
2024 January 6 -- Epiphany Comments on Second Great Commandment and GPT

2023 December 30 -- Year-End Ruminations Mostly a historical novel that didn't quite make it
2023 December 26 -- Old Year's Resolution Getting the USA out of the way for Armageddon
2023 December 23 -- God 2, Church 0 The Bible has the Right Answer, but the church got it wrong
2023 December 18 -- How to Do This? I hate to do this to a pastor, but his sermon does not apply to me
2023 December 7 -- High School Student Government It's a model of State government
2023 November 22 -- Peter Principle on Steroids Jobs become too complicated for any one person to master
2023 November 2 -- Not Great Literature Moral Absolutes are required for a good read
2023 November 1 -- Unsafe At Any Speed I'm not the only Jeremiah out there
2023 October 25 -- Notable Three in ComputingEdge The uncommonness of "common sense"
2023 October 5 -- 7000 Who Have Not Bowed the Knee God decides, not I, and that's OK
2023 September 26 -- CT Twofer, Not Three Two good insights in one issue is better than none
2023 September 25 -- Inner Turmoil I have enough of my own, no need to read other's (fictional) turmoil
2023 September 9 -- Today's Spiritual "Journal" Reading the Bible in the original is getting harder
2023 September 2 -- The New Doomsday Machine "AI" is no worse than nuclear holocaust or climate change
2023 September 1 -- Why Capitalism Is Good For You Capitalists create wealth that benefits everybody
2023 August 29 -- Movies, Good and Not-So-Good Mostly better than the usual freebie downloads
2023 August 26 -- I Still Hate OSX "Unix" is a four-letter word
2023 August 24 -- Why Is This Industry So Devoid of the Christian Faith? Mostly because the churches don't want us
2023 August 22 -- Internet Ethics People fighting "misinformation" are usually also doing it
2023 August 21 -- Military (A)Intelligence AI in the military will lose to boots on the ground
2023 August 12 -- Consumer Reports Innumerate There Ain't No Such Thing As Free Health Care

2023 July 29 -- "Now You See It, Now You Don't" There is some (possibly self-)deception going on
2023 July 20 -- "Real Soon Now" Only the house wins
2023 July 17 -- Evangelical Feminism Great paper by Paul Felix, but detached from the Real World
2023 July 13 -- Politics, Not Tech, Part 2 I still disagree with their politics, and what little tech is flawed
2023 July 11 -- Sound Effects The sound changes when it reflects off an imperfect surface
2023 July 7 -- Politics, Not Technology I disagree with their politics (factual reasons given)
2023 June 28 -- Feminazi Disinformation There is no "Glass Ceiling" in the most egalitarian country
2023 June 27 -- What I Wrote vs What They Printed The founder is always smarter than his successor
2023 June 26 -- Even Engineers Can Be Stupid Any form of raising wages without more productivity does harm
2023 June 24 -- Catching Up On My Reading Mostly criticizing nutty ideas in print
2023 June 19 -- Juneteenth Journalling: You are looking at it
2023 June 12 -- Doing The Right Thing Don't do to anybody what you wouldn't want done to yourself

2023 May 31 -- Working Through Sunday's Sermon On the correct pronunciation of Hebrew word for "life"
2023 May 27 -- Fighting Demons On Their Own Turf Burning the fetishes betrays a belief in the supernatural
2023 May 24 -- Not Quite Prison Ruminating on the unnlikely prospect of court and/or prison
2023 May 22 -- Growing Old Gracefully It's harder in Oregon than other times and places
2023 May 15 -- Thoughts While Sitting In Church The musicians (both of them) did better than most pastors
2023 May 10 -- I Am Not Alone Against BlockChain A woman in tech who got it right
2023 May 8 -- CT Turns Feminine The Church needs better than that
2023 May 5 -- WIRED on Hardware Two articles worth reading, both hostile to China
2023 April 24 -- Why Religion Matters, Part 2 The atheist also cannot understand the basis for cooperation
2023 April 19 -- Why Religion Matters The Golden Rule (based in the Law of Moses) makes life better for everybody
2023 March 31 -- How Can a Good God Allow Suffering? It's a necessary part of allowing people to not love God
2023 March 28 -- In the Image of Their Gods People are becoming as stupid as their computers
2023 March 27 -- Tribalism I take my orders from God, sometimes not from the Tribal Chief
2023 March 25 -- Imprecations These are for people in that situation, which mostly I'm not
2023 March 13 -- My Own Math Puzzle It was a fun exercise
2023 February 21 -- Silence Is (Fool's) Golden Refusing to be held accountable for one's own actions
2023 February 17 -- Chinese Movies The Chinese understand only "might makes right"
2023 February 15 -- Debriefing There is nothing I could have done to prevent it
2023 January 30 -- Catholics: A Fable Failing to see Truth as a moral absolute
2023 January 28 -- Lies, D* Lies, and WIRED The sea rise isn't going up that fast
2023 January 3 -- Gezer in the Bible Probably bogus dating again
2023 January 2 -- It CAN Be Done In Church but perhaps nobody knows why we should be praising Jesus

2022 December 27 -- Functional Programming Another Hammer Seeking a Nail
2022 December 3 -- Neural Net Comeuppance Responding to the increasing public outcry
2022 November 30 -- Come Let Us Adore Him A book is aimed at persons other than myself
2022 November 23 -- The New Blockchain Ponzi Scheme Who pays for all that storage?
2022 November 16 -- Blockchain Hammer Looking for a (Bent) Nail Don't trust "smart contracts"
2022 November 10 -- Even Feelers Know: Truth Is a Moral Absolute Love cannot be unconditional
2022 November 8 -- Forced "Upgrades" Considered Harmful If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
2022 November 3 -- "Nothing About Us Without Us" Give users a say in product design
2022 October 8 -- Whither WORLD? Not dead yet, but probably should be
2022 October 1 -- No Exit There is no escape, you still must eat

2022 September 23 -- Audit Trail There's no backspace key in real time
2022 September 22 -- Futile 'Rays of Hope' Clive Thompson is deceiving himself
2022 September 17 -- Handel is Fun I dearly miss the Messiah sing-along
2022 September 14 -- Is It Fun Yet? Not when they lie to me
2022 September 2 -- Misinformation On-Screen An anti-war polemic more fiction than fact
2022 August 30 -- "Information Literacy" vs Misinformation The article itself probably counts as Misinformation
2022 August 25 -- Lost in the Fog Nothing better to read
2022 August 2 -- CCM: Feeding Garbage to My Soul I need to be singing about God, not myself
2022 July 25 -- Colorblind: Problem or Solution? Demonizing the Right Way to stop discrimination is not helpful
2022 July 12 -- He's a Hypocrite Marxist economics makes everybody poor, not wealthy
2022 July 11 -- Being Himmler Too much like Real Life to be a happy movie
2022 July 7 -- The Demise of WIRED It's no longer digital
2022 July 1 -- Tech Details for (Un)Ethics Slightly obfuscated, because they have shown willingness to do harm

2022 May 26 -- Web3 It's a lost cause
2022 May 24 -- Keepers of the Garden Guys should be protecting women
2022 May 20 -- UnSecure Anything on the Internet, frex, BitCoin
2022 May 13 -- It Doesn't Matter God is in control so I don't need to be (besides, I can't)
2022 May 9 -- Non-Music in 1960 Meaningless words and tuneless music predates CCM
2022 April 30 -- "Nothing Else Matters" If Christ is not risen; but he did, and all kinds of things matter
2022 April 22 -- Malevolence vs the Golden Rule Malbolge does not Make the World a Better Place
2022 April 4 -- Courage for Free Courage is easier when the Other Side is just plain Wrong
2022 March 18 -- True vs Fake Fakery is easier to detect when you understand The Real Thing
2022 March 15 -- Ethics and the Golden Rule God got it Right, I merely bungled it
2022 March 14 -- Notable in CT  Collected random thoughts
2022 March 11 -- Claude Shannon He invented the future we all live in
2022 March 8 -- Fun vs Teaching It's more fun when the students want to learn, but worth doing anyway
2022 March 4 -- Fun vs the Golden Rule Fun is a poor imitation of GR values
2022 March 2 -- Spectrum Spectacle Four instances of bad science in the IEEE flagship
2022 February 28 -- So Say You All Introspective thoughts on jury duty, and why they don't want me
2022 February 24 -- Perils of Political Correctness Interesting but not Biblical Archaeology and not good scholarship

2021 December 27 -- A Sparkling Gem Sitting in the Poop Better than usual music, and other plusses at church
2021 December 9 -- Why Is AI So Dumb? Goedel Incompleteness Theorem prevents AI being smarter than humans
2021 December 7 -- Pearl Harbor Day The Unix mental model is different from the Mac
2021 November 27 -- My Starving Soul Is Filled Again I downloaded hymns that I can sing to
2021 November 18 -- Covid Postscript Covid can't kill me before God is ready to take me Home
2021 November 15 -- Naaman the Leper, Part 2 Working in the World without becoming part of it
2021 November 13 -- AI Ethics Nonsense The real Question is not can robots be persons, but can we stop them
2021 November 12 -- But for the Grace of God A 500-year heritage of Golden-Rule ethics protects me
2021 September 22 -- Montessori Downside People need structure, otherwise Bad Things Happen
2021 September 7 -- Hershel Shanks 1930-2021 BAR was a fine mag under Shanks, not so his successors
2021 September 3 -- "Consciousness Will Simply Emerge" Self-aware robots are far beyond our lifetime
2021 August 25 -- Lessons from a DragonFly References to "evolution" are Religion, not (even her own) science
2021 August 24 -- Chinese Junk Considered Harmful Don't use Huawei's 5G for anything requiring security
2021 August 16 -- It's Not About Love Relationshipists got this text Wrong
2021 August 13 -- Pascal's Wager Betting against AI is probably a good bet (like betting on God)
2021 August 4 -- Blunder Faux global warming pseudo-science
2021 July 31 -- Not Worth Watching Another male author sabotaged female lead
2021 July 27 -- Moonlight Sonata A 1937 flick vaguely about classical music
2021 July 23 -- The American Way It's the way the American economy works.
2021 July 16 -- Quality Hi-res = Low quality
2021 July 12 -- Fighting back against the Feminazis The feminists are too stupid to notice male writer misogynists

2021 June 28 -- On Magic Magic is about controling people for personal gain, which is Wrong
2021 June 24 -- 451 Attila the Hun's loss, not the flashpoint of paper, is the source of the title
2021 June 18 -- The Moral Issue (for Me)My mask is now a Statement for Justice and Truth
2021 June 17 -- I Didn't Kill a Baby Today 2 days ago I didn't know, I could not worry about it. Now I can't
2021 May 25 -- Armageddon I like the Christian ending to the story better
2021 May 21 -- It's FictionTroubling trends, hopefully not for me
2021 May 12 -- Building an AI That Feels Not even possible in a "deep" neural net, which only responds as trained
2021 May 11 -- "Why Lighter Packaging Matters" Only if you don't do the math
2021 May 10 -- The Demise of "Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs" Nothing feeds that part of my soul
2021 May 8 -- Miscellany Teaching, silly computer notions, and grass
2021 May 6 -- I Still Hate Unix "Unix" is a 4-letter cussword
2021 May 5 -- "Mom, Where Are the Girls?" She got there on her merits, then turned her focus elsewhere
2021 April 21 -- Lockman's Silly Blunder (LSB) God Himself encourages us to translate His Name as LORD
2021 April 17 -- Saving Java If they'd lost in Court, Google would have crushed Java
2021 April 16 -- Accurate Bible Translations "Accurate" Bibles are in the language of the readers, not their grandparents
2021 April 7 -- Ammonia Follies Ships burning ammonia adds more carbon to the air than other uses of the same $$
2021 April 5 -- Easter After the Ban Two thumbs up
2021 April 2 -- Operation Warp Speed for Climate Those who cannot do science, write columns in WIRED

2021 March 31 -- The Weeds in the FieldSurviving in a church that doesn't know the Bible that well
2021 March 27 -- Bad Memory I didn't remember what a bad novelist he is
2021 March 18 -- Feminazi Contempt They genuflect at the feminist altar with their fingers crossed
2021 February 27 -- The 6G That Won't Happen It ain't the future if the business model doesn't work
2021 February 25 -- Can a Machine Tell a Lie? It can if it's programmed to, so don't trust "explanations"
2021 February 19 -- God's Robot It's not praise if you don't actually say something good about (God)
2021 February 18 -- A Better Read Disappointed in Machen, starting Gibbon
2021 February 9 -- ICR & Atheist Presuppositions Measuring the speed of light is rooted in what makes science possible
2021 February 5 -- Robot Trucks Still "Unsafe at any speed"
2021 February 1 -- Fairly Legal Slightly better than the average sit-com (also: Next World War)
2021 January 25 -- Church and Music, Part 2 It's a good thing music is not what I go for
2021 January 14 -- Newton, Part 2 A jolly good read
2021 January 11 -- Church and Music -- Even in CCM, the meat is in the verses
2021 January 7 -- PhD Jokes I only know three
2021 January 4 -- All Scripture It's all useful, even the doom-and-gloom stuff in Jeremiah

2020 December 21 -- "Carbon-Negative" Vodka  They can't take out more carbon than they use, nor beat the farm
2020 December 18 -- Newton  I didn't miss much waiting this long to read his Principia
2020 December 14 -- Consistent Hermeneutics  She didn't exactly lie, she just didn't tell the whole truth
2020 December 11 -- Being Terrorized  Everybody experiences it, but only some can blame it on race
2020 December 9 -- Spelling Biblical Names I'm not the only one to notice the inconsistencies
2020 December 5 -- Brain Copy, part 2 (Cargo Cults) Making imitative models is easier than thinking
2020 December 1 -- The Matrix Conflating a foolish idea with an unknowable idea not even in the same universe
2020 November 30 -- Making Sour Lemonade Reading BAR is still better than not reading it
2020 November 18 -- 5G Smoke Goofy promises
2020 November 13 -- Danger: IoT Eunuchs They are going the wrong direction, security gets worse that way
2020 November 11 -- Brain Copy? Not in your or my lifetime
2020 November 7 -- The Russians Did It God is bigger than politics
2020 October 29 -- Even the Good Guys Can Get It Wrong Less than engineering accuracy in a rag for engineers
2020 October 23 -- Reading Without a Library, Part 2 Griping at lack of worthy leisure activities
2020 October 12 -- The New Tinfoil Hats Democrats attempting to beat Trump with tech, not ideas
2020 October 9 -- Making This My Church Home Membership not needed
2020 October 5 -- Making Promises We Can't Keep God says "Don't do that"
2020 October 2 -- Reading Without a Library My own and borrowed books are not so much fun as the library's
2020 September 28 -- Not (Quite) a Greek Expert His education is agriculture, mine math and computers, neither of us Greek & theology
2020 September 15 -- Lost and Gone Forever Tom Lehrer songs are still great fun
2020 August 20 -- True Classic, Part 2 I finished Canterbury Tales on a positive note
2020 August 6 -- Zoom Doesn't Scale I blame unix
2020 August 5 -- A True ClassicCanterbury Tales is still a jolly good read, 600 years later
2020 July 24 -- Silas Marner Female author, disappointing treatment of social issues
2020 July 6 -- Seven Gables, Part 1 The prose is turgid but the world-view is like fresh air
2020 June 30 -- "Machine Learning" Is Still Religion It's best described as "artificial stupidity" (Deep-speare)
2020 June 29 -- Netflix Failed Unstable user interface and it handles modern net saturation poorly
2020 June 27 -- Numbers Don't LieThe doomsayers are wrong, again and again
2020 June 20 -- Mice vs Mousetraps The world is OK with NIMBY mice
2020 June 6 -- Climate Hoax Not My Problem
2020 June 5 -- Don't Blame Trump "Ask not what your country [government] can do for you..."

2020 May 22 -- Switches It helps if you understand how things work
2020 May 21 -- Unix Goes Down Unix is bad for business
2020 May 4 -- Random Thoughts at the Beginning of the Week A little honesty in a world of lies
2020 April 22 -- Crypto-Autism Some poeple help, and others are otherwise minded (Robert Fulghum ref)
2020 April 20 -- Clue Deficit Disorder Bad Things Happen, but God is Good
2020 April 11 -- (Not) Pastoring the Flock Leave them; they are blind guides
2020 April 7 -- Kill the Messenger! It happens to me when I go to church and assume the Bible is true
2020 April 4 -- Hosanna! People are cruel, but God saves us from oppression
2020 March 31 -- Obeying Man Rather Than God John 21:18 now applies directly to me
2020 March 5 -- (Some Kind) of Honor A moderately interesting alien cat, but then just more chick-lit
2020 March 2 -- Christian Women in Science Not many, about the same as men in nursing, and more than male mothers
2020 February 25 -- Gospel of Love It was doing Good, not words of "love" that convinced him
2020 February 24 -- Amazonia The book describes where I lived part of my life
2020 February 17 -- Warm Fuzzy Guy Flick (Not)Even the pagans understand that Truth is a moral absolute
2020 February 10 -- Wow, a Whole Month Thoughts on a book and a movie from this weekend
2020 January 10 -- Sci-Fi Decameron Mostly chauvinistic guy-lit, weak on science and theology
2020 January 9 -- Explore-A-Nation Walking around gives a better view than the packaged tour bus
2020 January 2 -- Worse than a a newer Cricket! (No wonder, it's unix inside)

2019 December 25 -- Politics in Sci-Fi It's sci-fi, it's make-believe, you can do whatever you want (readers beware)
2019 December 14 -- Inner Turmoil People with God-given work to do don't go there
2019 December 10 -- Darwin Didn't Help It's not a scientific experiment, just a piece of luck
2019 December 2 -- Charity vs Love God is Charity, not "love" as we understand it in English
2019 September 23 -- Two Flicks with Theological Implications Art follows (my) life
2019 September 21 -- The Mote Old enough to be better than modern sci-fi
2019 September 18 -- Amazing Monopoly Amazon is not as friendly as they were when they tried harder
2019 September 10 -- Stardance A good insight into a dancer's mind, but mediocre sci-fi
2019 September 7 -- Bible 1, Calvinism 0 Maybe I'm a 3/4-Point Calvinist (Good vs Bad Psalms)
2019 September 3 -- Selfish Rejection of God The movie could not hide his selfishness and the hurt he caused
2019 September 2 -- BAR's Women Issue It's not the page-turner BAR used to be

2019 August 30 -- Persecution It's a God thing, not my problem
2019 August 28 -- Sci-Fi and Religion Maybe later stories will repair the damage at the front
2019 August 27 -- The Dark Side Light is Good, but Dark is romantic
2019 August 20 -- Philosophical Fiction Better for the language, worse for the plot
2019 August 17 -- "Lord, Is It I?" Judas said that, and so did I, but we got different answers
2019 August 16 -- Failed Fiction His religion killed it for me
2019 August 10 -- The Gender Divide It's really about religion (believing what you know ain't so)
2019 August 8 -- Disappointment Afterthoughts on the summer program
2019 August 3 -- Clue Deficit Disorder WIRED is no longer about things digital
2019 August 1 -- Trump's Ill-Considered Remark Politics as usual, Trump & Obama alike
2019 July 29 -- No Red "S" on My Blue Tights The sin of Pride
2019 July 27 -- WIRED Admits Flaws in NNs -- But they still promote it as "intelligent"
2019 July 22 -- November WIRED Chinese spying and SWATting (NNPL link)
2019 July 18 -- WIRED's Religion Clueless celebration of 25 years
2019 July 12 -- "Taxpayer Rights" Don't believe everything the government tells you
2019 July 11 -- Wasting Water Getting around an unintended consequence of political correctness
2019 July 9 -- Reading WIRED Something to do in the evenings
2019 July 4 -- Portland & PotteryGod: 2 (maybe, but at least 1), Atheists: 0

2019 June 29 -- Teaching My Hands to Draw Near God empowers us to do what God called us to do
2019 June 24 -- Reading But Not Always UnderstandingThe focus of 1+2C is doing, not understanding
2019 June 11 -- No Truth-In-Labelling The story was OK, but nobody likes being lied to
2019 June 1 -- Time-Wasting But Not Fun Intoxicated (=stupid) is still not entertaining
2019 May 28 -- Organic Food and Linux Both waste time better spent otherwise
2019 May 21 -- Music I'm not a pianist to play in church, but a little I can help the guys learn their parts
2019 May 14 -- Hate Crimes and Other Blasphemy Laws How politicians fight against the Truth
2019 May 11 -- Space Opera The story was a curiosity, but not good space opera
2019 May 4 -- UnTech The tech house of cards is starting to crumble
2019 April 25 -- Unification Finally, a poem I can understand
2019 April 18 -- Dancing with Eternity An interesting exploration of religion and death

2019 March 29 -- Morality in Fiction Authors write what they know, and it ain't religion
2019 March 27 -- California, the Granola State The Fruits and the Nuts and the Flakes
2019 March 21 -- A Poke In the Eye with a Sharp Stick ObamaCare took the "P" (Privacy) out of HIPPA, now it's HIPAA
2019 March 13 -- Brit vs American on Religion British state religion gives their people a conscience Americans lack
2019 March 4 -- Racial Oppression Oppression is not Christian or white, everybody does it if they can
2019 February 23 -- Geeks In Fiction This guy understands us
2019 February 16 -- Darwinist Hell The Darwinists already live in Hell
2019 February 11 -- Singing for Fun Mostly. I'm not that good
2019 February 9 -- Wine, Cheese, and now Books Older is better
2019 February 2 -- Facts vs Religion We get rich by helping other people
2019 January 30 -- Zero God gets to decide who He needs where and doing what -- or nothing
2019 January 28 -- Culture Wars The atheists have more "Religion" than I do
2019 January 22 -- The Emperor's New Naked Government ID cannot protect your privacy
2019 January 21 -- What Does Grace Look Like? She's blonde with blue eyes...
2019 January 17 -- Design by Committee You can't judge a book by its cover
2019 January 15 -- Crossing the Rubicon Privacy means nothing after the C-word has cursed you
2019 January 14 -- BAR Publishes Unprovenanced Artifacts Prior announcement was propaganda, not policy
2019 January 9 -- Catastrophism Apologetic The author agrees with God a lot
2019 January 1 -- Fiction and Politics They have no virtue and therefore no heroes

Index, 2003-2009, 2010-2013, 2014-2018

Log Files (see also: Selections)

2003 2007 Part 1 2009 Part 1 2012 Part 1 2015 Part 1 2018 Part 1 2020 Part 1
2004 Part 1 2007 Part 2 2009 Part 2 2012 Part 2 2015 Part 2 2018 Part 2 2020 Part 2
2004 Part 2 2007 Part 3 2009 Part 3 2012 Part 3 2015 Part 3 2018 Part 3 2021 Part 1
2005 Part 1 2007 Part 4 2010 Part 1 2012 Part 4 2016 Part 1 2018 Part 4 2021 Part 2
2005 Part 2 2008 Part 1 2010 Part 2 2013 Part 1 2016 Part 2 2019 Part 1 2021 Part 3
2006 Part 1 2008 Part 2 2010 Part 3 2013 Part 2 2016 Part 3 2019 Part 2 2022 Part 1
2006 Part 2 2008 Part 3 2011 Part 1 2014 Part 1 2017 Part 1 2019 Part 3 2022 Part 2
2006 Part 3 2011 Part 2 2014 Part 2 2017 Part 2 2019 Part 4 2022 Part 3
2011 Part 3 2014 Part 3 2017 Part 3 2023 Part 1
2023 Part 2 (current)