CIS-3113 Graphical User Interface

SBU policy is that they own the Syllabus; other material is the property of the instructor who prepared it.

13 Ways to Loathe VB


Jan.31 -- Sign up for Schneiderman chapter to present update on

Feb.3 -- Turn in a 2- or 3-page essay evaluating the ethical concerns raised in The Case of the Killer Robot in the context of this course and the SBU Mission Statement.

Feb.7 -- Write a VB program to display 3 generally unknown facts about yourself in a window too small for more than one of them. Submit self-contained ".exe" file by email attachment not later than 11am, for discussion in class.

Feb.10 -- Write a new VB program or alter the first one to do some graphical animation. Submit self-contained ".exe" file by email attachment not later than 11am, for discussion in class.

Feb.14 -- Turn in written proposal describing a user interface topic which you will test on at least three different people. Explain what you hope to learn from the experiment and how you plan to test it.

Mar.10 -- Turn in a written critique of an existing commercial program's user interface, using all of the evaluative methods you have learned so far in this course.

Mar.14 -- Turn in a detailed plan for your project (on paper), including working testbed software by email attachment.

Apr.7 -- Write a program in VisualBasic implementing a 4-function calculator with memory. Turn in a written summary explaining the user interface design decisions you made and the project impact on your own perspective, along with the self-contained ".exe" file by email attachment not later than 11am, for discussion in class.

Apr.16 -- Correct the GUI and documentation flaws in your calculator and resubmit it, along with the self-contained ".exe" file by email attachment not later than 11am, for discussion in class.

Apr.21 -- Take the Luscher Color Test, then turn in a one-page evaluation of color in GUI design.

May 5 -- Revise your calculator (as needed) to include on-line help and a user manual, then resubmit the self-contained ".exe" file by email attachment not later than 11am, for discussion in class. Unlike other written materials you have submitted for this class, correct grammar and spelling (and a good readable style) will be a significant part of the grading.

May  12 -- Submit final project electronic deliverables (presentation code, etc) by email attachment not later than 11am, for presentation in class

May 21 -- Correct the on-line help system and User Manual for your calculator (if you wish) and resubmit it not later than 3pm on the scheduled day of the final exam. See GeneScreen User Manual for an example of the correct form.

Rev. 2003 May 6