The Guessing Game

The Greeting As Code

So let's think a little about what just happened.
You wrote a program. You wrote this program.

OK, so it's in English, not C or Java. Is that bad? It doesn't mean the computer cannot run your program, you just need to find a computer that knows a little English. Oh wait, you already have such a computer right there in front of you. 0) echo 'But you already knew that, didn't you?'; ?>

So why don't you finish out the part of the program you already know how to write. Then click this button to run it in Tom's Kitchen Computer. After your program works, click the "Go Back" button there to come back here and we'll think about what comes next.


What Comes Next

So you have a half-dozen lines of a program that really runs. Do you remember the "5 basic concepts" mentioned in the Preface, that all programs are made from. Do you remember what they were? Here are the five again, in case you forgot:

So now in your little (beginning of a) program, which of these five concepts do you see represented? Think about how you would answer the question, then turn the page.

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[2021 June 8]