Tom Pittman's WebLog

2012 October 22 -- Atheism Poisons Everything

It was a gripping movie, memorable for several reasons, including that it made the DVD player in my Wintel PC hiccup (a tiny icon on the cover suggests that abuse is intentional) so I had to play it on the "Old Stupid Former" (OSX) computer. Anyway, the background music near the front and at the end was "Navy Hymn" done with orchestra and choir. The words were partly lost under the music, but I got these words from the Navy website:
Eternal Father, Strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty Ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
O hear us when we cry to thee,
for those in peril on the sea.
They ended the stanza with a traditional "Amen" -- again, the word was muddy, but the chords were unmistakable. It's a nice hymn, and it fills people with warm fuzzies in times of danger at sea, which this movie was about. Whoever chose the music for this flick used it well.

One nice thing about watching movies at home is that I can skip over the uninteresting credits -- usually several pages of rock songs I don't like, and more recently pages and pages of digital animators among the "key grip" and "foley artist" and caterers and such. The "special thanks" is more interesting, because it often indirectly tells where it was filmed (like "British Columbia Film Board" but not this time). This movie played a familiar portion of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, so I watched for these two songs in the credits. The Navy Hymn was conspicuous in its absence. That was astonishing, so I backed it up and looked again, pausing carefully for each song. And again. Nothing. Beethoven's sonata was there, but not the Navy Hymn.

Christopher Hitchens is wrong. Religion doesn't poison everything, atheism poisons everything. A tiny minority of atheists in this country have so intimidated the moviemakers that they are unwilling to give credit to one song that properly gives honor to the God of the sea. The hymn is in the public domain, about the same age as Moonlight Sonata, but Beethoven was not praising God. That same terrorism motivated the publisher of my book to drop out part of the text.

Atheism poisons everything.

Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance. Psa.82:6


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